Additional Hawaii Information

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by JE Brunton, Sep 26, 2001.

  1. JE Brunton

    JE Brunton New Member

    Some have expressed concern that we have not posted more detailed information about the nature of the charges filed against various Hawaii unaccredited institutions and the specifics of any settlements.

    I am unable to attach copies of those documents in this forum. The lawsuits are initiated with documents called Complaints and are terminated with documents called Judgments (default, summary, stipulated, etc.) These documents are prepared using Microsoft Word.

    If anyone would like to obtain an unfiled copy of any of the Complaints or the Judgments entered into, please email me. I will attach them to a reply email. I will provide this service unless the requests become too voluminous.

    With respect to information about the termination of any investigations without legal action, the following can be said.

    Staff-initated investigations into Atlantic International, the University of Honolulu and Central Pacific University have been closed with warning letters. The others remain open in various stages of the investigations or are under preparation for litigation.

    Anyone with a particular interest in a specific institution may email me for a short update.
  2. kajidoro

    kajidoro New Member

    This is odd, as Nosborne replied to my law school posting with a suggestion of going to for US-based schools.

    On this list I laughed at the University of Honolulu located in Modesto, California. I laugh as I am an ex-Hawaii resident and I also just drove through Modesto - two very different worlds.

    The University of Honolulu is listed as a "correspondence law school" on

    University of Honolulu
    School of Law
    1031 McHenry Avenue, Suite #13
    Modesto, CA 95350
    (209) 523-4064


  3. JE Brunton

    JE Brunton New Member

    I need to clarify that when I said I would attach copies of Complaints to email requests, I meant the Complaints filed in court which institute lawsuits (which are word-processed docs easily attachable) and not consumer complaints filed with our office (which are hard copy docs and cannot be attached. Sorry for the confusion.
  4. Mahmood

    Mahmood New Member

  5. Mahmood

    Mahmood New Member

    I need Email address of Jeffrey E.Brunton Mr.
    My email address is
    [email protected]

    Thanks alot if Jefffrey E.Brunton may send an email to me to inform his email address if he like.

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