Mountain State University

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by jayncali73, Apr 1, 2007.

  1. jayncali73

    jayncali73 New Member

    This may sound vain but....

    Does Mountain State list your major on your degree? or does it simply state "Master of Science" or "Master of Arts"?

    I am considering their MS in Strategic Leadership Program!

    Thank you in advance for any info!
  2. Carlos Lorie

    Carlos Lorie New Member

    Hi Jay

    Mountain State University will list the mayor on the diploma, they listed it on my BS in Aviation and Leadership Management. I would think it is the same for the MS.
  3. planejane

    planejane New Member

    You had better asked . . .

    as my MS degree from CUP states "Master of Science". No major is listed on the diploma. I called the school thinking it was in error and they said this is how they do it. If I were you, I would look into it.
  4. fortiterinre

    fortiterinre New Member

    Actually I don't think listing the concentration of the master's degree is too common--if it comes from a separate "school" of the university, then the school might be a tipoff, e.g. "The School of Nursing at XWZ University". Many of these degrees actually have a different name, e.g. MSN, MBA, etc. A master's degree in the School of Arts and Sciences will probably just say "Master of Arts" or "Master of Science," without the specific department (e.g. "anthropology") appearing anywhere on the diploma. At least this is how my alma mater Northwestern did it.
  5. jayncali73

    jayncali73 New Member


    According to Mountain State, they do list major's on Master's degrees. Example given was: "Master of Science Strategic Leadership"
  6. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    UMass-Lowell does not put the major on the diploma, mine simply says "Master of Arts".

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