UOP Finances

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by AuditGuy, Dec 22, 2006.

  1. AuditGuy

    AuditGuy Member

    I was putting away my teaching material for the holidays and ran across a 2005 Annual Report for Apollo Inc. (Owner of UOP).

    For 2005, it breaks down as:

    $2,251,472,000 Tuition Revenue

    $338,400,000 Employee Comp (Non-Faculty)
    $195,100,000 Faculty Comp
    $172,500,000 Classroom Lease / Depreciation
    $140,900,000 Other Instructional Costs
    $ 88,800,000 Bad Debt / Financial Aid Processing
    $935,700,000 Instructional Costs

    $224,000,000 Advertising
    $206,500,000 Enrollment Advisor Comp (Listed under Advertising)
    $ 54,300,000 Other Selling and Promotional Expenses
    $484,800,000 Selling and Promotional

    $ 98,300,000 General and Administrative Expenses
    $ 19,824,000 Stock based Comp
    $1,538,623,000 Total Operating Expenses

    $ 712,849,000 Income from Operations
  2. AuditGuy

    AuditGuy Member

    So a couple of interesting points.

    Half a BILLLLLLLION (use Dr. Evil voice from Austin Powers) dollars in Selling and Promotional.

    $45,500,000 in bad debts? I thought all tuition had to be prepaid.
  3. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    It does not have to be pre-paid. If you tell them you are using tuition assistance, they bill you after the class is complete so you time to collect the money from your employer.

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