Washington International University

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Guest, Oct 11, 2001.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I came across one I hadn't previously seen at www.washint.edu . Notice in particular the picture of the school itself--is that the corner of a mobile home in the lower left side of the picture? And is that a junk car lot on the left, behind the house?

    The picture of the faculty looks like a snapshot from the 40's or 50's. I guess one is left to guess where they earned their credentials.

    Who seriously considered a WIU Ph.D. until he saw the main campus. [​IMG]
  2. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    They're listed on page 237 of Bears' Guide 14, although they had a PA address then. Their write-up is one of the more entertaining in BG14, with most of the humor coming from their own quotes.


    [Note: This message has been edited by Bruce]
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    My research skills are slipping, Bruce. It looks like WIU has relocated from PA to Sioux Falls, SD. This is probably in an effort to bring the school under more stringent guidelines, since SD has some of the toughest laws in the nation regulating non-accredited schools. [​IMG]

  4. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member

    Not to mention the academic Mecca of the British Virgin Isle it also cites.

    Best Regards,
    Dave Hayden

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