Penn Fosters Required Resident Lab at a Local College? How does this work?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by 68rs327, Oct 3, 2006.

  1. 68rs327

    68rs327 New Member

    I am thinking about signing up with Penn Foster to get my associates degree in Industrial Engineering Tech.
    My question is, Penn Foster requires a resident lab "hands on" (for 2 weeks)
    in their 4th semester. How does this work? How do you go about finding out if your local college offers the resident lab work for Penn Foster students? I read in another post that someone took the resident lab at Penn State college? I don't know about flying to Penn., staying in a motel and going to classes for 2 weeks. Hard to get off work and leave the family for that long and a big expense! Have any of you guys been thru this? I would love to here some feedback.
  2. CalDog

    CalDog New Member

    It's a good question. Penn Foster doesn't say much about it, except here:
    You will probably have to talk to Penn Foster directly to get more details. They probably aren't anxious to discuss the resident labs, because they may well be a deal-killer for many people.

    But they have to provide some kind of lab experience to maintain credibility. Most practitioners in the science, engineering, and technology fields would not respect an entry-level degree that was obtained without any hands-on work. Would you be impressed by a chemistry graduate who had never mixed chemicals, or by a geology graduate who had never visited a rock outcrop?

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