Where the academic jobs are

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by jimnagrom, Aug 3, 2006.

  1. jimnagrom

    jimnagrom New Member

  2. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    From the article :

    "” .. To attract instructors with work experience in the subject matter taught ..”

    When an IHE column reports 350 applicants for a TT philosophy position in S. Calif. — how many more “instructors” need to be “attracted?” Hopefully, not many more — the current situation is ridiculous, wasteful, and cruel."

    This happens even for business faculty positions. I'm a part of a hiring committe
    and is normal to receive 100 applications for one limited term appointment that normally will be given to an insider but posted on the University website just to comply with HR policies.

    Also, the article states:

    "I also teach full-time at a for-profit “college” that sells bachelor’s degrees if students show up for four years. Academic rigor at the for-profit is a joke and we graduate students who lack basic literacy."

    As a faculty member that have worked for private for profit schools, I must tend to agree with this. Some profit schools only evaluate faculty based on student evaluations and what best way to keep good student evaluations high than by granting a ridiculous number of "A"s. I find that some students at these schools get upset when the get a B for substandard work as the A seems to be the norm.

    I'm not saying that grade inflation is only a problem of for profit education but it seems to me that this is where is more frequent.
  3. jimnagrom

    jimnagrom New Member

    Re: Re: Where the academic jobs are

    I agree - at a recent starting class for the UoP MBA - one student sought to confirm that they WOULD get an "A" because that's what the recruiter promised them - "everybody gets an "A". Generated quite a bit of discussion ;)
  4. se94583

    se94583 New Member

    I'll take "How UoP killed Higher Education" for $500, Alex!

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