What exactly is a Bible College?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by laferney, Jul 22, 2006.

  1. laferney

    laferney Active Member

    What exactly is a Bible College? Can a graduate of a Bible College go on for a graduate degree ,say in Psychology or Business, in a non-religious field at a state or private college? On a resume for a job would a Bible college graduate be considered equally with a person with a B.A in a Liberal Arts area? Pardon my ignorance on this but I'm just not that familiar with this. Thanks for all replies in advance.
  2. dntw8up

    dntw8up New Member

    Generally a bible college is a school with four-year undergraduate degree programs but their curriculum focus is courses to prepare students for ministry careers. In most non-religious schools a degree from a bible college would not be considered sufficient preparation for graduate work in the liberal arts. Most employers, state schools and non-religious private schools do not consider a degree from a bible college equivalent to liberal arts degrees.
  3. pugbelly

    pugbelly New Member

    Re: Re: What exactly is a Bible College?

    I don't know if I can agree entirely with that definition. A Bible College is typically a four year college where the Bible is always a central componet to the learning. All majors offered at the college will be religious in nature but not all lead to ministry. Examples would include (BA Christian Studies, BA Ministry, BA Biblical Studies, BA Pastoral Counseling). Not all graduates want to go into ministry. Graduates of Bible colleges can, and often do go on to do graduate work in other fields.

    A Christian Liberal Arts college is similar but it usually offers a wider array of degree options that are not soley Bible based. All degree programs will teach from a Chriatian perspective and all majors, even secular offerings, will contain mandatory religious core classes. A Christian Liberal Arts college may offer "Bible College" type degree options like the one's listed above, but may also offer Nursing, Business, Liberal Arts, Legal Studies, etc.

  4. KariS

    KariS New Member

    History of Bbible Colleges

    A good synopsis is at History of SPABC
    Another factor was to provide an education with out the secular impact of public and private colleges and universities.

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