failure of american high schools

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by AGS, Jul 22, 2006.

  1. AGS

    AGS New Member

    i have talked and read about some peoples high school experience ...

    It seems there are many students dropping out of high school because the schools dont give a proper learning environment due to student safety issues and other distractions....

    if you get a kazillion kids into a building ; they all will set up their own little social networks that compete with one another and not just act as one on learning the topics and graduating for a job....

    look at the columbine example......

    you can blame the school all you want ...but its also the kids with the many dysfunctional backgrounds they represent ......

    i was checking out a site called

    i thought it had interesting topics that would be good for high schools like self-esteem, social skills, and other behavioral self -help ...

    learning is not just based on the intellectual aptitude of an individual but also the emotional fullfilment in their character that brings the driving force or will to learn .....

    many kids dropp out and later have low self-esteem and never want to try .....which becomes an ugly pimple thats waiting to burst out in their later years in life .....

    the problem is distractions from learning their courseworks and esteem .....

    in the teen years , people begin to assess their emotional - and intellectual identities .... choose their role models....try to discover their needs..... its a very stressful.....

    they may come different backgrounds..... and they will all have some dysfunction....

    what are the solutions to stop distractions...?

    create online high-schools connected with regular high schools so there would be less contact with the students and more concentration of the course work .....

    otherwise getting a bunch of kids with different problems is like getting a few mental patinets out for lunch....

    any feedback on the the concept of an online highschool with podcasts that would save alot of commute time ....
  2. misty_flannigan

    misty_flannigan New Member

    failing high schools

    In Europe and other countries, students are tracked into either vocational or college bound schools. In the U.S., we insist on giving every the same opportunities even though struggling students become behavior problems and interfere with the learning of those who want an education. This is because of the way our courts have ruled.

    At the high school I teach at, very low performing students who are severely deficient in credits are placed into courses such as chemistry because the district has removed all vocational education classes. In large, mixed ability classrooms, it is difficult to give good students the education they deserve because so much time is spent making sure the ones that should not be there do not burn the place down or get into other mischief.

    What can we do? End social promotion. Students should not advance to the next grade until they master the current grade.
  3. AGS

    AGS New Member

    Re: failing high schools

    i am very aware of the european system......
    they have their own problems....

    but america is totally different than europe b/c here in the US we have different cultures interacting while inter-cultural melting pot is happening now than before......

    i just feel their should be courses on social skills and human behavior......

    otherwise , employers stress harassment laws in jobs while there isnt much enforcement in high schools where they can learn these laws when they get hired into companies......
  4. ShotoJuku

    ShotoJuku New Member

    Who is the problem: The kids who want to drop out or the Parents who allow their kids to drop-out (they need parental consent)???

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