fin aid and distance learning at embry riddle

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by originalbigjim, Jul 22, 2006.

  1. i just got my info back from embry-riddle for my fincinal aid and i need a little help understanding this. they said they will give me 1013 per semister or quarter or whatever you call it in pell grants. there is 4 quaters for a total of $4050. And i think you have to go full time to recieve this money. i am not sure what full time is there if there is 4 terms for classes. I really cant seem to locate it on there website anywhere for distance learning students. My sister seems to this it is 6 credits or 2 classes, and the military has already paid for my 2 classes that start in my august semester, is that money mine to keep? I know pell grants you dont have to pay back and they are for expenses but i am unsure because it seems too good to be true. i tried calling them but they are close untill monday, and this is really eating away at me. any insite ro advice would be very helpful.
    the website is
    thanks guys!
  2. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    You might want to contact in regards to what qualifies as full-time for purposes of financial aid.

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