Another online A.W.U. dissertation.

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Guest, Sep 24, 2001.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Here's another online American World University dissertation. As the "aspectos" page says, it was done for Mr. Juan Morera Peralta's 1996 journalism degree.

    If you know Spanish, maybe it will be worth your while to glance at this. I looked at a few pages translated via google. From what I can tell, it's all about communications by the church (as you can tell by the title, without knowing Spanish), and it's terrible. I didn't see any footnotes or documentation--just lots of generalizations.
  2. JDiaz

    JDiaz New Member

    I loved the gushingly praiseful Foreword.
  3. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    "Este trabajo, conjuntamente con los trabajos realizados en Prensa, Radio y Televisión, fue presentado por Juan Morera Peralta ante la AMERICAN WORLD UNIVERSITY para el Doctorado en Periodismo, grado que le fue concedido en Septiembre de 1996.
    Is this a PhD dissertation? I wouldn't take it for a high school project, good for laughs I guess.

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