Federal “First Generation Matching Grant” program

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by jimnagrom, Jun 6, 2006.

  1. jimnagrom

    jimnagrom New Member

    Federal “First Generation Matching Grant” program

    Allocates $6.5 million to state universities, to be given as financial aid, matching funds that rraised by the institutions themselves, for students whose parents did not graduate from college.

  2. eric.brown

    eric.brown New Member

    Interesting...wish this was around when I was starting college...might have been helpful.
  3. japhy4529

    japhy4529 House Bassist


    This scholarship bill is actually for Florida Residents only, it is not a Federal measure.

  4. jimnagrom

    jimnagrom New Member

    Re: Re: Federal “First Generation Matching Grant” program

    The article focuses on the Florida matching grant but it also clearly notes that "President Bush earlier in the week signed another bill that would create a similar program for community college students at a cost of $5 million."
  5. japhy4529

    japhy4529 House Bassist

    Re: Re: Re: Federal “First Generation Matching Grant” program


    Yes, but your Subject line of 'Federal “First Generation Matching Grant” program', combined with your original synopsis of the article, would lead one to believe that this is a Federal rather than Florida measure.

    At any rate, I do appreciate your frequent posting of insightful, education related articles on this forum.


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