Time Bombs and Terrorists

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Guest, Sep 18, 2001.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Osama bin Laden isn't the only terrorist dealing with explosives. Numerous degree mill owners/operators think little of selling their "degrees," which are nothing more than time bombs waiting to explode. While the motive may be different, the ramifications are quite similar---disaster. And while this can't begin to compare to the tragedy of recent days, there are indeed lives that are disrupted, dislocated, and some--yes--vocationally destroyed because of worthless degrees. And the terrorists are laughing all the way to the bank.

  2. Byran Lee

    Byran Lee member

    Russell, I totally agree with you. At the same time, we shall make no distinctions between those who started up a diploma mill and those who support them.

    I can think of an individual who probably have endorsed a degree mill to enough people already, and quite possibly ruining their lives as you've mentioned (getting a bank loan, borrowing money from friends and family for tuition are just a few). While I don't think it is appropriate to name that person here, my advice to that prick would be to stop telling people that Dr. Bear is biased towards his alma mater, and admit that he's a major league asshole who's been bagged over big time. Perhaps, a legal name change to "Doctor Endorsor" may well be appropriate.

    Excuse my language.

  3. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    If it is not appropriate to name that person, it is probably also not appropriate to allude to him/her. So who is it?

    Rich Douglas
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I think a further distinction must also be made. If the person who began the degree mill did so with the intention of the "school" being a less-than-wonderful money laundering operation--then yes, I agree. If, however, the school was begun with the best of intentions, i.e., of providing a quality substantive degree program and the objective of pursuing legitimate accreditation--I disagree. Some schools have begun with positive objectives, only later to become a degree mills--with the original owners/founders breaking all association with the school. This, IMO, is a different scenario than the first.

  5. Gary Bonus

    Gary Bonus New Member

    Russell, the road to hell is paved with the best of intentions. Perhaps a sworn or affirmed statement of candidate status for RA could be required of new schools, thus keeping them off of any Oregonian style blacklist. At least no one has yet offered to "smear 'em all, and let God sort 'em out!"

  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Indeed it is! My observation here is that most new schools begin unaccredited--some achieve legitimate accreditation while others do not. If a given school, from its inception, was committed to achieving legitimate accreditation, it would have begun with good intentions.


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