Why there are so many degree mills????

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by rgoodman, Sep 9, 2001.

  1. rgoodman

    rgoodman New Member

    Why there are so many degree mills???? I think one reason is there are so many potential customers. After reading this board for a month, I feel many people just want to 'buy' a degree without too much works. They deliberately want to escape from the works that should be done before they could get a degree. If a good degree could be achieved within a few months, why there are so many stupid people pay so much money to go to Harvard or Yale? They create the market; some guys just come and supply the demands. I don't think the degree mills operators are evil. They supply the demands. Just like the prostitutes!
  2. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    And how long has prostitution been an issue, R?

    To the list of the three most common so-called sumptuary laws -- prostitution, gambling, and recreational drugs -- perhaps the dictionaries should add buying and using fake credentials.

    For one take on the scope of the problem, see my article in University Business magazine. And things have only gotten worse in the 18 months since then. http://www.universitybusiness.com/0003/diploma.html

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