Calculus III vs. Linear Algebra

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by yak342, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. yak342

    yak342 Member

    I am working towards a B.S. in Computer Science and I have to take a math elective. I am thinking about taking either Calculus III or Linear Algebra. Which math class do you think is better to take for a CS major?
  2. JoAnnP38

    JoAnnP38 Member

    If Calculas III is the third semester of calculas then I would have have to say Linear Algebra. A few graduate CS programs require LA as an entrace requirement, but I've never seen a program that requiremes more than a year of calculas.

    If on the other hand, Calculas III is the third course in a quarter system, then you should absolutely take the calculas course.

    Appart from their usefulness as academic credentials, I personally feel that LA is more useful.
  3. Jeff Walker

    Jeff Walker New Member

    I agree with Linear Algebra. There are a fair number of CS applications that use matrices heavily. Very few use multi-variate calculus.
  4. JLV

    JLV Active Member

    Linear Algebra, and if you are truly desperate, pick Modern (or Abstract) Algebra with a great number of applications in artificial intelligence and general computing, if you are planning to become a researcher.
  5. PhD2B

    PhD2B Dazed and Confused

    I would also say Linear Algebra is more useful.
  6. cbryant

    cbryant New Member

    Speaking as someone with a math degree (and 39 hours of computer science) and having worked in software engineering for embedded systems and in information technology, It may be in your best interest to take both. Linear Algebra has more direct computer application (matrixes and what not) however if you plan on getting into programming engineering type applications, then Calc III could come in handy.

    On the other hand if you are only doing business type applications (financial/accounting type software, risk analysis, reporting, etc) then it shouldn't really matter which.



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