Of note: University of Stellenbosch

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Haggai12, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. Haggai12

    Haggai12 Member

  2. CLSeibel

    CLSeibel Member

    While costing a bit more than some of the other SA schools discussed here, Stellenbosch is still quite reasonable.

    As far as reputation, Stellenbosch is arguably the finest theological faculty in South Africa. It enjoys a very solid reputation internationally.

    This university was once considered the intellectual engine room of apartheid. However, its profile has changed significantly in recent years. Within the theology faculty, several key faculty members at Stellenbosch today are individuals who worked hard to challenge the system of apartheid. I have met doctoral students from all over Africa who are doing their work through Stellenbosch. A fellow graduate from my program at Spurgeon's College did his DTh work there. It is also a major destination for Korean doctoral students.

    This is a major destination for visiting scholars from throughout the world. In addition, at least two of the journals published by the faculty of theology enjoy pretty widespread circulation throughout the global theological community.

    I had originally planned to enroll in Stellenbosch, but ended up choosing Pretoria instead because of a few issues I was facing in establishing a workable situation with the Stellenbosch folks: namely residency expectations, responsiveness from administrative contacts, etc.
  3. JLV

    JLV Active Member

    They have a truly rigurous master´s program in mechanical engineering. The whole program costs about $2,000 plus books, etc... I think it is a great deal when comparing cost and quality. I would join but I am afraid I couldn´t list it in my CV. I would have to give so many explanations it isn´t worth it. Maybe one day I just do it for the fun of it. Regards.
  4. Haggai12

    Haggai12 Member


    Thanks, Cory.

    Knew you'd have additional info.
  5. chydenius

    chydenius New Member


    If you are considering a South African program, start early, and be prepared to deal with the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).

    Read the instructions very closely, and be sure to supply exactly what they ask for.

    They are slow and, erm, methodical.

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