Yuin U and California politics

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by John Bear, Aug 29, 2001.

  1. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    There have been earlier postings in the matter of state-approved acupuncture school, Yuin University, awarding honorary Ph.D. degrees to a fair number of California politicians, as they have (according to LinguaFranca Magazine, 9/01) "been locked in a protracted licensing dispute with the state." The magazine quotes Yuin founder Henry Yu as saying:

    "The side of right will ultimately win out, but not until it first successfully defends itself against the venomous serpents with which it has been cast down into the pit of regulatory infamy; not before it must scale the pit's slippery walls out of the darkness of the abyss of evil."

    Take note, all forum epithet hurlers. If you're going to attack someone, at least this sort of language makes it much more readable.
  2. Bill Highsmith

    Bill Highsmith New Member

    Dr. Bear,

    As a cage rattler yourself, be careful not to be a snake in the grass and make an asp of yourself with these Pythonesque suggestions. Although the admins seem to be getting constrictor and constrictor, on a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say that the discourse here is about is about 12, and that is the snaked truth.

    So pull in your fangs, pull up your garter belts and practice your mamba dancing rather than ssssssssspreading viperousssssssss, hyssssssssterical, fork-tongued exaggerationssss.

    Be an adder to the truth, not a subtractor.

    Hee hee. Please don't send any MSU thugs.
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    If people ever want to write about another acupuncture school, China International Medical University, which is in Los Angeles, I'd love to hear what you have to say, since I believe that school educated Maxine Asher and that she works as an acupuncturist using her maiden name Maxine Klein.
  4. I can remember Dr. Richard Crews of Columbia Pacific U. writing me a shorter version of that when CPU's problems with California's CPPVE escalated back in 1996.
  5. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Am I reading continuation to my post about Belarus?

    State can be very political when it comes to approving schools.

    Master Yeng Yee - 9th degree Grand Master in Korean martial arts and Ph.D from Yuin University.
    he provided acupucture tratment to my relative who suffered from reacuring
    migran headakes, following the 6th treatment by Dr. Yee the pain was gone and never came, it used to be almost paralizing pain.

    Later he also helped to control apetate and other medical problems, were conventional medicine failed.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2005

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