~~PLEASE HELP~~ Scholorships?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by MCcflo99, Aug 14, 2001.

  1. MCcflo99

    MCcflo99 New Member

    I am a 20 year old, white male, making about 22,000 a year, with a low gps, and I would like to persue an MIS degree. Anyone know of any scholorships or grants I could qualify for? I bought the Princton review and I've went through about 3,000 of the 5,000 scholorships listed and I only see 2 that I MAY qualify for and they're only like $500 each. PLEASE HELP!!!

    Chris Elliott
  2. wz7w

    wz7w New Member

    FAFSA forms if you're American. For federal monies like pell grant. If you have searched the web and not turned up much try spelling scholarship with an "a". There are database type sites that you can register for and they will email you with new info, and reminders about deadlines.
    Good Luck,
  3. judy wagner

    judy wagner New Member

    ERIC/ACVE has a great digest "Financial Aid for Lifelong Learning" that is available in full text on our website (http://ericacve.org/docgen.asp?tbl=digests&ID=109)
    It has information about funds for traditional and distance learning.

    Judy Wagner
  4. The ERIC digest Financial Aid for Lifelong Learning is a great overview of the types of aid available, with links to additional information.

    The About Adult & Continuing Education Guide has links to several financial aid resources at http://adulted.about.com/cs/financialaid/index.htm

    You might want to first research and identify potential MIS degree programs. Generally financial aid is available to students who have been admitted to a degree program; also, the school's financial aid office should be able to offer assistance in finding and getting financial aid.

    Also, check with your employer's personnel or human resources office. Do they offer tuition reimbursement?

    Kristin Evenson Hirst
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Why not consider American World University? The school offers scholarships, seasonal discounts, and will even allow you to combine your M.A. and Ph.D. studies--saving you both time and money. But, please note, AWU is famous for its high standards, and will demand that your dissertation follow the highest standards for spelling and grammar.


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