Bienville University

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by UV-VISGUY, Aug 1, 2001.


    UV-VISGUY New Member

    Does anyone know about Bienville University and the programs offered? I noticed they do not mention anything about accredidation. Is this school real and how long have they been in existance?

    UV Vis Guy

  2. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Oh, they're real alright. "Real what" is the question. In the past, they've claimed accreditation from the dreadful ACI. According to BG 14, they were established by a person who used to work for La Salle U., a degree mill, in 1998. A quick look at their site does not reveal any statement about accreditation. It also does not reveal any statement about their authority to award degrees (including, I find, the Doctor of Divinity). Nor do I see any faculty names.

    While these degree might be legal, they are certainly issued by an unaccredited school with a number of questions about it.

    Rich Douglas

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