study guide for Humanities Clep

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by baytre1, Aug 19, 2005.

  1. baytre1

    baytre1 New Member

    Hi all,
    So I just received my Humanities Clep study guide from the xenia34/pass your class on ebay.
    Uh, has anyone passed using this? I see a lot of just questions and answers in here.
    I see a few links highlighted in the book so maybe those links have more info..i hope!
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Did not use guide you mentioned but did pretty well with a good encyclopedia and REA general exam study guide . For practice tests the CLEP official guide and Cracking the CLEP were IMHO the only ones that came close to the real exams in degree of difficulty.Good luck!
  3. baytre1

    baytre1 New Member

    Ok, I've got the Cracking and the Best Test Prep-General. Thanks
    Still would like to know if anyone has passed using this Humanities study guide :^)
  4. Clep'N

    Clep'N New Member

    I used that guide but by no means was it all inclusive for the exam. I also used,,Cracking the Clep and The Humanities exam is fairly broad in scope, so you need to look at a lot of subjects just to get a decent score. Hope this helps

  5. Mr. D

    Mr. D New Member

    I used all three of the books / computer testing . I studied for about 3 weeks and cut a 47.

    The test was not easy for me. I took HUMN 100 to get that behind me.
  6. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Wow, just five more classes! Good for you! Mountain State is a great school also.

    Take care,

    Abner :)

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