wanna degree?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by RFValve, Jun 29, 2001.

  1. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

  2. I've seen shops selling novelty photographs -- your photo inserted among celebrities, or atop a mountain, or on a mock Times Man/Woman of the Year magazine cover, etc.

    Seems to me that just buying a fake diploma would be as legal as buying a fake magazine cover (though even a bigger waste of money)... but if you use said fake to bolster your claims to credentials that you do not possess, that's another matter.

    The one you mention is the Web site of Peter Leon Quinn ... In July 1999, the Press & Journal carried a couple of articles about Stirling and Aberdeen University's objection to his selling "impressive certificates" from Stirling and Aberdeen University, "complete with stamp and seal." Legal action was mentioned -- I can't find any followup but it may be worth noting that his website doesn't mention these universities by name.

    Kristin Evenson Hirst
  3. Ulrich Bozzo

    Ulrich Bozzo New Member

    The quality is undoubtedly amazing.
    I need a master's degree. I'd like it from a highly regarded university. I'm aware that the school from which I want a Master is excessively demanding. Unfortunately I am not a genius and I do not have much time to study.
    Do you think that this guy could make a perfect copy of a diploma from Barrington University ?

  4. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    I don't know Barrington, but they have a copy of a California Coast University in their website,

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