Whatever happened to Regents College Credit Bank?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Jon Stafford, Jun 27, 2001.

  1. Jon Stafford

    Jon Stafford New Member

    I just spent the better part of an hour navigating the information dirt road that we call the Internet looking for the Regents College Credit Bank. Dr. Bear discusses the Credit Bank in a chapter in "Bear's Guide" (although I admit that I only have the 12th edition). However, I am not able to locate it online, and the telephone number given is no longer in service. Is this service no longer offered? If not, does anyone know of anything similar?
  2. bgossett

    bgossett New Member

  3. mikemayes

    mikemayes New Member

    It's now called EXCELISOR COLLEGE, Albany, NY - same phone number as in Bear's, The customer service is real bad, you can't get a clear answer to your questions - my advise would be to stay away.

    Go to their web page and click on the military service icon - you'll find the credit bank. Stay away from their credit review service also.

    I was a big fan of REGENTS COLLEGE, but recent changes at the college are a major cause for concern. MAYBE IT WILL BITE THE DUST AND CLOSE DOWN - to bad....

    It's from a 180 degree shift from friendly to just a sorry joke....

    I'm a proud holder of a REGENTS DEGREE - but I'm embarrassed at the new management team that forgot it bloodline - "non-traditional education" for non-traditional learners.

    They act as super snobs and take weeks/months to get back to you....
  4. slappy

    slappy New Member

    I am a recent graduate of Excelsior and have had nothing but positive experiences. My wife recently enrolled and has had very helpful and timely answers to her questions.
  5. Tom Head

    Tom Head New Member

    Dude, you're absolutely flooding the joint with anti-Excelsior stuff (this is, what, the third thread you've posted this to?) -- and while I'm no fan of the Regents privatization either (my degree is from USNY, BTW, and predates the name "Regents" being on the diploma), I think we need to clear a few things up.

    First, as I said in an earlier post, Regents split from USNY in 1997. That's when they went private. If the name "Regents College" shows up on your diploma, you already have a post-USNY degree awarded by the private Regents/Excelsior College.

    Second, the name change was mandated by an agreement between Regents and USNY. They had to change the school's name last year. Was "Excelsior" a wonderful choice? Not really, but look at how far TGSA has gotten as Capella University.

    Third, you're the only person -- the only person -- who has posted here with overwhelmingly negative experiences involving Excelsior. To which I might respond: Dr. John Wetsch, head of the Regents/Excelsior alumni office, reads this forum. As you say you're an alumnus, I'm sure he would be quite interested in any recent problems you've encountered with Excelsior. What, specifically, is the trouble?


    Tom Head
  6. Yan

    Yan New Member

    I graduated from the USNY in 1980s, the diploma and transcripts were issued in the name of "The University of the State of New York" at that time. Not to mention others, I am quite confused with the changes of name one after another (from USNY to Regents to Excelsior to .....). How should I describe the USNY degree in my resume?

  7. Tom Head

    Tom Head New Member

    I use "University of the State of New York, Regents College Program (now Excelsior College)." It's cumbersome, but nothing else would be entirely accurate.


    Tom Head
  8. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    I gots three of 'em, earned between 1979 and 1981. I normally list only one or two, and always with the USNY title. I never refer to Regents or Excelsior; I think it confuses things. I disagree that it is less than complete. USNY was the name of the school when I graduated, not Regents and not Excelsior. And I graduated from a state university, not a private college.

    Resumes are not the place to explain things; they are for one purpose: to get you a job interview. In the more than 20 years since I've taken my USNY degrees, no one has ever asked about Regents or Excelsior. (I did relate elsewhere, however, the story about the Air Force absolutely insisting I graduated from SUNY at Albany, no matter how much I tried to convince them otherwise. This was before the privatization of USNY into Regents College, though.)

    In this and other matters, it would be helpful to ask yourself one little question: Am I deceiving someone? If not, don't worry about it.

    Rich Douglas
  9. Dennis

    Dennis New Member

    I also recently have enrolled in a Excelsior program and I communicated with them for a period of a few month before my enrollment. I didn't experience anything negative with them as yet. Usually, I receive a reply to my e-mail inquiries the next day.

    Dennis Siemens
  10. Tom Head

    Tom Head New Member

    I really meant complete only in the literary sense, and shouldn't have painted Yan into a corner like that (sorry; working on a 50-page proposal for a reference title, and I'm as delirious as I am cranky); of course one is by no means obligated to list any institution not listed on the diploma, and since "The University of the State of New York" is the only institution listed on our diplomas, it would be quite feasible to go with that alone. The only reason I would really prefer adding on the Regents College Program (Excelsior) notation is that the transcripts are likely to come from same, so it makes sense to tack that name on if you're in a situation where transcripts will be sent.


    Tom Head
  11. slappy

    slappy New Member

    Just an FYI. My Excelsior Diploma has the University of the State of New York mentioned twice.
  12. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Which actually makes sense. The University of the State of New York is the title of the statewide educational system, the Board of Regents. All colleges and universities, public and private, fall under its jurisdiction. Founded in the 18th century, it isn't going anywhere, even though it privatized its Regents External Degree Program.

    Rich Douglas
  13. mikemayes

    mikemayes New Member

    I have a BSLA degree granted in 93, here a few months ago I send in my application with 3 schools that I wanted to add to my credit bank.

    Being a past student allowed to pay a much lower fee - only 25.00 dollars.

    We'll it has taken them over 3 months to complete my update and they trying to cheat me by having be pay $25.00 times (3) three.

    I had to copy their policy, my original application, and demand to speak to a supervisor to get things cleared up.

    Will as of today, I'm only being charges the ($25.00) fee, my updated transcripts are in the mail

    I'm hoping to receive them before Christmas.
    If your looking at this service - make copies of everything and stand your ground


    BS - 93

    NO LONGER A FAN !!!!!

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