CTU Online

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by mkatfelix, Feb 21, 2005.

  1. mkatfelix

    mkatfelix New Member

    I am currently going to CTU, I have to say so far, I have not had any major problems. I find it very challenging and I am learning more than I beleive I would from traditional universities Traditional universities that I have gone to do not meet various learning styles. Traditional schools, you have to sit in class and listened to boring instructors that test your memory of the topics.

    At CTU, they use real life sceanrios and place you in a situation that you must solve. Most of of us can go to school and memorize, but what use is that in the real world, especially if you are returing to school in your mid to later years of life? If you are deciding to go though, you must commit your time. With four assignments per week and four virtual online classes from the instructors, its not only challenging but very time consuming. Although the benefit is, you don't have to fight traffic and you get to work at any time and in your pajamas.

    Last comment is, I looked at the other posts and agree that no university or college can promise you a career, look at the accrediation, thats what really counts more than who runs it. If it is properly accrediated than you are pretty much safe because that is regulated by the U.S. Department of Education.
  2. Randy Miller

    Randy Miller New Member

    What is CTU??
  3. Bill Parker

    Bill Parker New Member

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