Problem based EMBA

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Texascot, Jan 6, 2005.

  1. Texascot

    Texascot New Member

    I received an email from Uni of Phoenix for their new online EMBA which is

    cut and paste from their email:
    A problem-based learning model with peers from all over the world
    The opportunity to solve 20 significant crisis management, growth opportunity, and change leadership problems typical of those faced by senior leaders in organizations
    Problems for evaluation and dialogue that have been suggested and validated by executives at Fortune 1000 companies
    State-of-the-art simulations designed to allow executives to make rapid-fire decisions and receive immediate, detailed feedback

    Anyway - this approach seems much better than the standard fayre of individual theoretical subjects, by learning how to solve realistic complex problems.

    I am unaware of any other MBA degrees which take this approach - does anyone else know of any??

    Uof P wouldn't be my first choice for my MBA, but I do like the look of this course.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2005
  2. DTechBA

    DTechBA New Member

    Case Studies

    Sounds like the case study method to me. Lot's of schools use that method...
  3. Arvin Winterton

    Arvin Winterton New Member

    case studies

    I know that BYU uses this method of case studies although I don't know that the coverage is exactly the same. I am also aware of at least one other school. I think you'll find that many schools do utilize these methods otherwise, how would a person really learn? Examples just seem to make a real life situation easier for a student to catch.

    One thing that bothers me about U of P is that they seem to be a little vague on tracking the success of their students as far as employment as a result of their programs. It seems to me that knowing key statistical data is important in terms of marketing their school's programs. It also seems to me to be a measure of the school's success.
  4. Fortunato

    Fortunato Member

    Re: Case Studies

    But most schools use a lot more cases. Darden or HBS MBAs would probably tackle 100 cases in their first year alone. I can't imagine 20 cases by themselves as being the foundation to award an MBA degree. Certainly UoP 's program is more comprehensive than this?

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