Check out your professors

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Deb, Nov 28, 2004.

  1. Deb

    Deb New Member

    There is a great website out there that gives reviews of most of the professors at most colleges, including many of the DL institutions. Of course, you have to take some of these with a grain of salt since it is students doing the reviews.
  2. Andy Borchers

    Andy Borchers New Member

    Deb - Actually, anyone can submit ratings to this site - even folks who have never had the prof - or even the prof himself.

    I'd use the site with a huge grain of salt. The data there can be useful or useless - and it is hard to tell which is the case.

    Regards - Andy
  3. Mr. Engineer

    Mr. Engineer member

    You seem to have a pretty good rating Professor.

    I suspect that you could use it as a simple guideline. Almost everything on the Internet is pretty suspect so I take everything posted (whether or not they claim to be real news) with a grain of salt.
  4. TescStudent

    TescStudent New Member

    This site is neat. I just looked up some past professors, and the ratings are on the mark.
  5. Deb

    Deb New Member


    I realized that anyone can rate but figured why would anyone but a student bother - personal grudge maybe.

    I checked out my profs and agreed with all but one.
  6. Buckwheat

    Buckwheat New Member

    It seems to be on target! I can agree with many of the reviews...good and bad!
    Best, Gavin

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