Barrington University Goes "Wireless"

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Guest, Jun 9, 2001.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    USA Today ran the following advertisement on 6-7-01:

    "Barrington University, complete distance learning programs offered online and now...WIRELESS!"

    A phone call to Barrington regarding this new "wireless" option revealed that not only does BU offer online programs, but they now offer instruction via "hand-held devices, cell phones, etc." This opens a totally new option for distance learners.

    Consider some of the following possibilities:

    1. Taking an exam via cell phone.
    2. Doing research via Game Boy.
    3. Communicating with professors via walkie-talkie.
    4. Professors contacting students via pager.
    5. Transfer funds from one's bank to BU's account, specify color of diploma and size of ring, and specify date to be placed on diploma, all via cell phone.

    So, theoretically, one could actually now earn a degree---yesterday! [​IMG]
  2. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    I think that Boston University would be quite upset with you referring to Barrington as "BU"... [​IMG]

  3. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    So that's why Lara Croft's signature is on my Barrington diploma.
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Now if rather than going wireless they would just go away.... [​IMG]

    Incidentally, every time I think Barrington, Barium comes to mind (as in a Barium enema). I suppose in a sense that is appropriate.


  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Isn't the purpose of a Barium enema to facilitate the "going away" of certain unpleasant symptoms/conditions? So I think your connection between the two (Barrington/Barium) is quite noteworthy.

    If only one could administer an enema (which is basically a sort of purgative) to all academic situations, and FLUSH OUT all less-than-wonderful situations. [​IMG]

  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Yes, and the evacuated contents have much in common with the worth of some of these degrees. [​IMG]


  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Indeed they do, both having a very unpleasant odor! And the closer one gets to both, the more recognizable the odor becomes. [​IMG]

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