Research degrees

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by jcryan, Nov 13, 2004.

  1. jcryan

    jcryan New Member

    Hello folks,
    I'm looking into a research PhD at Lancaster (UK) and would like to hear about experiences with the European or Australian research model for higher degrees, particularly for those who did undergraduate or other graduate work at American universities. What was it like? Did you receive proper guidance as an external student? Did you enjoy the experience and would you chose a higher research degree in hindsight? Okay, thanks so much for your time!
  2. Bill Grover

    Bill Grover New Member

    The Unizul (South Africa) ThD is wholly research and follows, I understand, the British model. I finished the dissertation about three weeks ago (except, I hope, for minor corrections) . Profs from several schools will evaluate it. I am happy with the independence I was allowed although I was encouraged to contact the Promoter as needed. I did. All my other degrees and credentials were done in the USA and mostly in residence.

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