Honorary Degrees

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by ray1212, Nov 7, 2004.

  1. ray1212

    ray1212 member

    Does anyone on "Degree Info" have information on how one might obtain an honorary degree without either donating a million dollars to a university, being famous, such as a celebrity or politician or making an academic contribution of some kind?

    Generally, that is the way an individual gets awarded such a degree, but it tends to leave those people out that have made other sacrifices in public service.

    Thanks for the advice. Anyone wishing may email me directly.

    Ray H.
    [email protected]
  2. dis.funk.sh.null

    dis.funk.sh.null New Member

    honorarydegrees.com ? can't guarantee if they're legit
  3. ybfjax

    ybfjax New Member

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