Law Tutors On Line update

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by nosborne48, Oct 22, 2004.

  1. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    I am posting this for the benefit of those posters who asked to be kept informed of my University of London experience.

    Law Tutors On Line just informed me that their tutor for Criminology (one of my two anticipated exam papers for August 2005) is suddenly unavailable and will likely not be replaced in time for tuition to commence in January.

    I think I'm going to study Admiralty law on my own as it is much less theoretical than the crim subjects tend to be and continue with LTO for sentencing and the criminal process. The English University system of examination is new to me and I expect that I need LTO as much to show me how to write UoL exams as anything else.

    LTO is offering a complete refund, of course and they seem quite distressed about this.
  2. novemberdude

    novemberdude New Member

    Frankly, this is one of the reasons why I took a pass on even trying to get into the UoL LLM. I didn't want to study on my own and no one could ever guarantee the availability of tutors.

    LTO are good people, but at the end of the day it can't be that simple to find LLM tutors.

    Do you have any alternatives? Or are you stuck going solo on Criminology now?
  3. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    You are asking a damned good question.

    Criminology and the other crim subjects are very theoretical. They are as much sociology as law. However, I don't think that the commerical subjects are that way. I signed up for Admiralty as my fourth subject and it looks hard headed and practical.

    I have just about decided to stick with LTO for sentencing but order the obscenely expensive Lloyds of London pubs and take Admiralty this August.

    After that, I don't know.
  4. novemberdude

    novemberdude New Member

    Best of luck to you Nosborne.

    Meantime, I have a great Maritime Law website for you:

    Includes some info related to Admiralty Law.

    I had the pleasure of taking a course with Professor Tetley in 1996. His Marine Cargo Claims text is one of the best I've ever used.

    Also, if you're one day looking for a buyer for some of your Admiralty Law texts, keep me in mind. Just remember I'm extremely frugal. But hey, you'll get a few bucks back!

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