Accepted to MProf/DProf!

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by rinri, Oct 1, 2004.

  1. rinri

    rinri New Member

    Just found out that I have been ACCEPTED to the MProf/DProf programme at Middlesex University (MDX), based on an application I submitted one month ago and an interview I had earlier this week. And I have accepted the offer.

    See related thread here:
    Many thanks to you all for the info and opinions!!

    Being a work-based learning (WBL) programme with a distance learning component (suiting me perfectly, since I live in Germany), the M/DProf will essentially consist of 2 mandatory on-campus visits, 1st visit being after one year (MProf part) and the 2nd visit being 3 years after that to orally defend the DProf dissertation/project. That's a 1-hour flight from Germany to the UK twice in 4 years. Not bad! In addition, throughout the programme, there are optional on-campus seminars. So, realistically, the programme could entail one visit to campus per academic year. Also, I will be assigned an advisor and, at least, one consultant.

    I will try to update this space as a log of my journey of exploration at MDX.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2004
  2. cogent

    cogent New Member


    I have heard about the DPROF. This is an exciting development. I looked it over and sent them a request for information. Since I already have three grad degrees, I am wondering if my program might be shorter.
  3. edowave

    edowave Active Member

    Congradulations! Keep us posted how it goes.
  4. levieuxnegre

    levieuxnegre New Member

    Congratulations!!! and good luck
  5. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Well done!
  6. leo

    leo Member

    Congrats and good luck.
  7. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    The usual crass question


    So, how much does it cost?

  8. Jonathan Liu

    Jonathan Liu Member

    What's your major or research topic?

    I contacted MDX about three years ago about the program. But their EE program doesn't have this option.
  9. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    As an aside, it's good to hear from Jonnie. His website is both simple and informative. Highly recommended. :)
  10. rinri

    rinri New Member

    Thank you all!

    Jonathan Liu: the M/Prof is part of the WBL program and should be applicable to any profession (but please verify this with MDX), as long as suitable advisors can be found to supervise your studies. My MProf studies will be in the area of products and services internationalization. I will refine this topic for the DProf.

    cogent: MDx's research-only programs may allow more transferring in of previous work. I am not yet sure how this is handled in the DProf, but a Master's is a requirement, if not going into the program via the MProf.

    SteveFoerster: I do not recall exactly how high the tuition fee is but it is average for a UK public university. Non-EU students, however, are charged a higher tuition rate.
  11. John Spies

    John Spies Member

    Rinri, can you provide an update? I emailed middlesex and have heard nothing. I am interested in the doctorate and costs associated.
    thanks, John
  12. rinri

    rinri New Member

    The only update in the last 2 weeks is that I have since enrolled.
    Email me and I will give you the email address of my contact at MDX. [I believe the website has an invalid contact email address (Doncaster?)] What major or research topic do you plan to pursue? - Russell

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