Heriot Watt University’s exam entry cards

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by dede, Sep 29, 2004.

  1. dede

    dede New Member

    Do Heriot Watt University’s exam entry cards, as the only crucial
    element in being able to show ownership of a course and enter the exam. Or do they require another registration ticket to the courses with different numbers.

    I have a cheap offer to buy their package with exam entries, but I am afraid if that is not work?

  2. oxpecker

    oxpecker New Member

  3. dede

    dede New Member

    Thank you very much.
  4. edowave

    edowave Active Member

    I guess you are referring to "the green sheets". As long as you have the exam registration form, that's all you need to show ownership. Once you sign up for an exam however, the course can not be transfered.
  5. dede

    dede New Member

    Thank you edowave.

    It seems that, the course is transferable as long as the module never registered, manual or online.
    You are the owner, As long as the materials contain all papers for registration.
    But it depend on weather you have an eMBA course or a text base material only.
    However, both are allowed to take exams
  6. JassenB

    JassenB Member


    But I assume you can't just register for the test and not take the course???

    If you could *just* take the exams, now *that* would be a grueling but inexpensive MBA. :)

  7. edowave

    edowave Active Member

    Re: Exams

    Yes and No. With the EBS program to "take" a course means enrolling and buying the course material, then you can register for the exam. They don't force you to study the material and do the exercises so if you think you are smart enough you can go straight into the exam after you paid the tuition fees. I don't recommend doing this.

    However, I have heard of one case where someone had photographic memory. This person bought all the modules, read through them once, and took all the exams over the same examination week. It took him less then 6 months.
  8. Professor Kennedy

    Professor Kennedy New Member


    I think we can consign the 'memory man/woman' to an urban myth thread. The Heriot-Watt MBA is nine courses (seven core and two electives chosen from 29) with well over one million words in the published texts and nearly the same again in the e-MBA web sites associated with each course for a 9 course course set.

    The exams cannot be passed by memory alone as the exams require the application of the concepts and examples from the Texts to business problems. Most essay questions require synthesis across several concepts from different parts of the courses. The 'memory man' must have had prior inputs from either degree work or serious management experience and a good level of intelligence (however measured).

    Text regurgitators are soon spotted in our exams and graded accordingly, i.e., low. We test following the 'Bloomian' progression not by following a path suited to rote learning. Our friends in other Business Schools often affirm that their own MBA students would find our exams 'too difficult'.

    Indeed, I would suggest that while some Schools make their MBAs easier, EBS makes its tougher. Probably would not sell many courses using that as a marketing theme...
  9. dede

    dede New Member


    The link below appears to be offline for some days not a few minute!


    Site Unavailable
    This site is not available right now.
    Please try again in a few minutes.
    We apologize for the inconvenience.

    URL: /n/main.asp?webtag=hwmba&nav=start&prettyurl=%2Fhwmba%2F
    Server: WEB020
    Code: 1
  10. Professor Kennedy

    Professor Kennedy New Member

    server down

    I received an e-mail message yesterday from the student host (Aroop Ghosh) of Watercooler reporting that the site was having server problems at Forums.Delphiforums.com and would be down for some hours. It has been down for at least 12, so far.

    Apologies for this but a) the site will resume soon, b) the site is managed on the delphi forums server and its absence, while of course regretted, is force majeure to delphi.

    It is also hosted independently of EBS by some of its students and graduates.
  11. dede

    dede New Member

    Prof. Kennedy,

    Thank you very much for information.

    I think those students who run that forum are doing a wonderful job for the whole EBS program.


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