COSC's Computer Science Studies

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by JAYSOULL, Sep 19, 2004.


    JAYSOULL New Member

    Has anyone qraduated or is currently enrolled in this program at COSC? I just applied to COSC...I notice the "Computer Science Studies" concentration requires "proof of team project" for software engineering and database system; my question is what courses did you take to fulfill these requirements?
  2. RKanarek

    RKanarek Member


    Your question about COSC's ( "Computer Science Studies" concentration was quite interesting. Here's my two cents:

    1) The concentration requires that one take a SINGLE class in "Database Systems", OR "Software Engineering". OR
    "Software Systems Design" THAT has "proof of team project experience." Only one class is required to have "proof of team project experience."

    2) Although I can't advise you in this regard, there is nothing to prevent you from earning credit for a course via COSC's Portfolio Assessments or Contract Learning. With regard to Contract Learning, keep in mind that there are many Internet based "Open Source" software projects (e.g. Lunix, FreeDOS, etc.) that would, in principle, allow you to add a team project to a learning contract. (Just an option to keep in you quiver.)

    I will look forward to reading your other replies! <g>

    Richard Kanarek

    P.S. If you make any discoveries of your own, I hope you'll share them here!

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