International University for graduate Studies

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by nikepsyche, Sep 10, 2004.

  1. nikepsyche

    nikepsyche New Member

    Any info re: IUGS? I am interested in their Psy.D. for licensed professional counselors, and wonder if their degrees are acceptable in NEW JERSEY.
  2. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    It seems your thread is sinking beneath the waves and while my reply will buoy it for a day or so, it is destined for the briny deep. This school has been discussed a bit on this forum and you can read these discussions bu searching the archives. As to your question, "Are they acceptable in New Jersey?" It is not for this forum to dictate what is and what is not acceptable in New Jersey (thanks for that) or anywhere else. One question is, "Acceptable for what purpose." Another is, "Acceptable by what person/organization?" You see, we are not simply splitting hairs in half, we are splitting them almost infinitely. Ultimately, you need to ask this question of whatever governing body exists in your jurisdiction. If, for example, you are wondering if you can become a licensed Psychologist in New Jersey based upon a PhD from this organization, then you had best consult the Board of Registration/Licensing/Whatever in New Jersey with this question.
    My own answer, if you're looking to get rich, don't put all your money into lottery tickets.

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