DETC 1993: how things have changed

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by John Bear, Aug 27, 2004.

  1. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    In the course of the housecleaning now going on, I came upon a brochure from the National Home Study Council (previous name of DETC) from 1993.

    Just over 10 years ago, they were accrediting eleven degree-granting institutions. Today there are 45.

    Only one had a Master's degree; now there are many.

    And as best I can determine, four of the eleven (a rather high 36%) are no longer in business--or at least not DETC-accredited. (Not sure about Berean College, Missouri).
  2. mrw142

    mrw142 New Member

    And as best I can determine, four of the eleven (a rather high 36%) are no longer in business--or at least not DETC-accredited. (Not sure about Berean College, Missouri).


    Berean University is still alive and well in Springfield, MO. The Assembly of God combined two of their DL schools--ICI University and Berean--under the diploma-mill-sounding "Global University"; Berean is now known as the "Berean School of the Bible". Their umbrella school, Global, is DETC accredited, and very much a legitimate institution of higher learning, the unfortunate name notwithstanding. There are also a number of traditional AG colleges nearby, such as Central Bible College and the flagship AG Seminary--you can't swing a stick in Springfield (near Branson) without hitting three or four Assembly of God college or university students!
  3. Mike Albrecht

    Mike Albrecht New Member

    Poor cat:(

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