Funny posting pattern on less-thans

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by uncle janko, Aug 22, 2004.

  1. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Anybody else notice a funny pattern of posts? There is a spate of posts on l-t-w organizations. All are from relatively new posters. All are phrased without reference to the poster's own interests, academic plans, or career goals. When one post is answered, another post from the same poster about another school promptly appears, the new school being no more wonderful than its predecessor. The usual expressions of satisfaction at being warned off a sad course are absent. All ask "what is the recognition of...", "what do you think of...", "is ---- legitimate", or similar "global" questions about the organizations in question. All focus on organizations most of us would shun.

    I wonder why this is going on? Could just be coincidence, but it's only occurred in spate since the fall of the mill-shill-fora. Perhaps I'm just Balkanoid, and I certainly wish all new posters making serious inquiries all the best in their DL investigations, but the pattern has been striking enough in the last few days to warrant this minor text-critical observation.

    And I think this does belong on this forum rather than off-topic, since the posts in question all concern DL. If the mods want to move it to off-topic, since the question itself is a secondary one, that's OK with me. I will not be able to reply at all for several days, so make of it what you will. A revedere, Janko
  2. w_parker

    w_parker New Member

    I've seen it lately too, the poster asking for the forums thoughts on whichever school, then progresses to defense of diploma mill outlets and how they are breaking the mold and moving forward into new academic territory, etc. It has raised some questions in my mind whether there are those out there attempting to sell diploma mills to people on this forum, though in reality I doubt it would convince any other than those who have already decided to pursue an "education" by that route anyway.

  3. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

  4. galanga

    galanga New Member

    I was guessing it's like a volleyball move: one player sets the ball, another spikes it. This is something one sees in, for example, "Online Learning Directory."

    From the Hottest New Things in DL thread:
    But if responses arrive too rapidly, shills can't do the set-spike thing to be able to report "DegreeInfo liked this school!"

  5. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    Re: Re: Funny posting pattern on less-thans

    There you go, galanga, thinkin' around corners again.

    Excellent analysis.

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