foreign language courses

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Benjic, Aug 15, 2004.

  1. Benjic

    Benjic New Member

    I was wondering if there was anywhere that I could take Spanish courses through distance learning
  2. Floyd_Pepper

    Floyd_Pepper New Member

    There are so many places and methods, that it is really up to you.

    What do you want to achieve? Is it just for "knowing Spanish"? There are even free online courses for that, not to mention so many books such as "Teach yourself Spanish", or countless language schools online or through correspondence.

    However, if you need a degree or a recognised/accredited course in Spanish, this narrows down the options. Still, many institutions offer it. Have you tried this site's "find a school" feature with the term "Spanish"?
  3. bwalston

    bwalston New Member

    Spanish I-IV is offered online through CCCOnline.

    The link is :

    Hope this helps.

  4. dcv

    dcv New Member

    I picked up my Spanish requirements through EduKan. They offer two five-hour courses, taught by a doctoral student (Mary Copple) at the University of New Mexico. The courses used Dos Mundos for a text, and were $575 each. I learned a lot more than I ever thought I would from an online language course.

    Edukan is at

    Spanish I

    Spanish II

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