Denver State University a dangerous new phony

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by John Bear, May 17, 2001.

  1. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    A Good Morning America viewer has sent me some rather disturbing information. It relates to a service that sells degrees of all kinds from a dozen very real-sounding school names: West Virginia State U, Toronto Metropolitan U, Denver State U, and others.

    And he also provides evidence that the US Military, in a Dept. of Defense report called "Post-secondary Plans and Financial Aid, 1999 Graduates" states that they pay or reimburse tuition for Denver State University.

    I'd love to see that report, and see if our tax dollars are going to any other fakes.

    (I am intentionally not providing contact information for Denver State, because I don't want to help them out. I'll gladly provide it individually to researchers, reporters, law enforcement people, HR people, etc., who ask me at [email protected])

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