Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by hnic410, May 27, 2004.

  1. hnic410

    hnic410 New Member

    Okay, it appears it's all in the wording..

    AGSM ( is a university (private) authorized to grant degrees but not an accredited university.

    What is the difference between accreditation and authorization? Presumably a school that is accredited is also authorized to grant degrees but... one this is authorized must have met some accreditation requirements.

    The say the are authorized by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC).

    I would be interested to hear your thoughts.
  2. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Authorization to operate comes from state (not federal) governments. Many states have evaluative processes schools must satisfy in order to operate; others do not.

    Accreditation is done by recognized, private agencies set up for that purpose. It is accreditation that determines whether or not a school is part of this country's higher educational system. Almost all schools begin life unaccredited, but quality schools move on to accredited status in time. I would be quite dubious of any school in operation for many years that has never been accredited. There are exceptions to this, of course, but it is incumbent upon the potential student to make this determination. Relying on the school's legal status alone is insufficient.
  3. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Lower in the page, it says that AGSM offers joint degrees with Lansbridge, wich is Canadian equivalent of accredited.
  4. hnic410

    hnic410 New Member


    Your right in that the joint program is offered by the accredited Lansbridge University, however, the Lansbridge portion of the program is the eMBA. The Master of Management offered by AGSM is the unaccredited but authorized degree.

    Just a word to the wise as to be authorized to offer post secondary programs does not authorize you to grant degrees.

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