Deakin University

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by LadyExecutive, May 24, 2004.

  1. LadyExecutive

    LadyExecutive Member

    After an exhaustive search, I feel comfortable with the LLM (Research) and SJD (Research) degrees offered by Deakin. Although I am not 100 percent certain, I think Deakin offer these degrees entirely through distance learning. It was confusing for me to confirm or deny this from their website.

    Anyway, what I would like to now know, is how apt are they with responding to email inquiries? Is Deakin difficult to get into? Are they easy to work with? And by 'easy to work with' I mean, what is the probability that they would even consider my proposal of working on my SJD degree with just a bachelor’s degree and receive my LL.M en-route. Should I even try?

    Are there any Deakin University students or alumni (or anyone else that has dealt with them in the past) that can offer me advice? What have your experience with Deakin been like? Good, Bad or indifferent? Your frank opinion is requested with many Thanks.

    Kind Regards
  2. George Brown

    George Brown Active Member

    Whilst I have no direct experience with Deakin, it has won the Australian Good Universities prize (can't recall what year) and has a reputation as offering cutting edge distance learning programs. As for credibility and standing in the higher education sector of Australia, this is difficult to comment on as we have no ranking system in Australia. Rest assured though - it is equivalent to RA and you can't go far wrong re- recognition.


  3. amused

    amused member

    DU is very student friendly and their DL is EXCELLENT!
  4. Migara

    Migara member

    Yes Deakin is a good uni. Deakin and University of Southern Queensland, won the Good Universities prize on 2002.
    I aslo like University of New England (, of coz the "The University of Queensland is top of my List"

    Aussie Universities are well respected and highly reputable around world. As Mr. George Brown said, YOU can't GO WRONG!!!


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