Where to find Eng subject for Dissertation?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Testing, Apr 15, 2004.

  1. Testing

    Testing New Member

    I'm looking to start a PhD/Dtech in Engineering.

    I thought I had a subject to base my dissertation on, but it had been shot down, and the school is not recommending or helping in any.

    The views I seen so far is that I should come to them with a subject (rightly or wrongly, please ignore this fact in your answer).

    My question is, where would I look for a "List" of possible subjects to consider for PhD?

    Your help will be appreciated.
  2. Mike Albrecht

    Mike Albrecht New Member

    Not to be mistique, but "In your self!" What do you want to do or study!

    Now for some helpfull (?) advice. Start with the area you wish to study (in my case it was industrial engineering followed by simulation/modelling) then read up on the topic and see who the educational experts are, then review what research they have been doing and what doctoral students they have been supervising have done. This should be at any college or univeristy you can find, not just the school you are applying to. Note this research can be done mostly using the internet.

    From your inital question, I assume you are looking at a ZA school or possible OZ. Again look at what the professores in the department you are applying to are researching, and what students they have/are supervised/ing are/have done.

    Then model what you got from my first sentence into what they are interested in. If the two do not match, then either find a different school or change what you are interested in.

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2004

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