Theology Faculty Question

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Christopher Green, Mar 20, 2004.

  1. Christopher Green

    Christopher Green New Member

    Mighty Forum and Theology guys of all stripes:

    I have heard it referenced several times on this forum that:

    "There are only X-number of theological faculty in the US with a degree from that school"


    "Only X-number theological faculty in the US have that focus"

    and so on and so forth. Is there some kind of theological faculty research database that y'all tap into to count, for instance, how many UNISA grads are teaching in the US, or do you just painstakingly gut it out with doing google searches? Insights on how to do this kind of research from Cory S. or Bill G?


  2. CLSeibel

    CLSeibel Member


    Good questions. As for me, my knowledge of such matters is born exclusively out of my own snooping around on the internet and my interactions with others from within the academic community. For example, my list of UNISA master's and doctoral alumni holding faculty positions at theolgical seminaries, faculties, and Bible colleges (which includes 80+ names) has developed as I've spent time exploring on the internet.

    Sadly, to my knowledge, no guide like that you describe is available.

  3. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    I yust Kookle.
  4. Bill Grover

    Bill Grover New Member

    One piece of info is the Newsletter of The Evangelical Theological Society. Therein doc students and grads seek jobs -[ me too , this year, for gratuitous instruction]. Of course this doesn't tell who is hired. I did have so far two hits on my offer. Schools are listed along with specialties. The Newsletter, I think, can be read at the ETS website.

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