exam resemblance

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by fed406, Feb 14, 2004.

  1. fed406

    fed406 New Member

    I took my first exams this week (3 dantes, 1Clep) and I have noticed that alot of questions are similar on different exams. I am taking the Clep Intro to Psych, Clep human growth and development, and DSST's Lifespan developmental Psych, all on Tuesday. I bought the Intro to Psych and HGD study notes from xenia off of Ebay and noticed that a large fraction of the notes are the same for both subjects. Can anyone who has taken these three exams or at least two of them, tell me how similar the exams are to each other. I am not concerned with the fact they might be considered duplicate credit towards a degree (however if you know the facts pertaining to that I would like to hear). Thanks in advance.

  2. fed406

    fed406 New Member

    I take these exams tommorow. No one's got anything for me?

  3. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member

    Hi Fed

    I took both the CLEP HG and D and CLEP Intro to ED Psych. Like you mentioned there was a great deal of overlap in the two areas. Like you mentioned there shouldn't be an overlap in credit, but some schools are very selective in the CLEP exams they will accept. I haven't taken the other exams you mentioned. Good luck on the exams!
  4. fed406

    fed406 New Member

    Well for anyone who is interested, I took Cleps HGD, Intro to psych, and Dantes Lifespan Developmental psych today. I passed both Cleps won't know about the Dantes for a few weeks. However, Both Cleps were very similar in terms of basic psychlogy methods, principles, terms, and people. The Dantes test was not in my opinion as closely related to the other two, although there was carry over from the other two. HGD was geared more toward childhood while the LDP was aimed more at late adulthood. I am not sure how well I did on the Dantes but so far I have done better on all of the cleps than I had originally thought , so maybe that is a good sign. If any of you plan on taking D's LPD i would suggest getting xenia34's HGD guide and find something that specializes in older adult psych. Hope this helps someone in the future.


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