Foreign Language Question.

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by TEKMAN, Jan 22, 2004.


    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Hello Everyone!

    Does anybody know Excelsior College, TESC, or COSC accepts DLPT (Defense Language Proficiency Test) credits from ACE? If so, is there a limited number of languages?

    Thank You
  2. brad

    brad New Member

    shouldn't be too hard

    Shouldn't be too hard to find someone to accept those RA school (Dallas Baptist University) accepted 45 hours of Russian (language and studies) from my time at the Defense Language Institute....

  3. Tracy Gies

    Tracy Gies New Member

    I'm sure it depends upon your level of proficiency. I thought I had once heard that some schools would award 6 SH (or something like that) for a 3/3 on the Spanish DLPT.

    If you have been to DLI, an even better bet might be to request that a copy of your transcript be sent to the school. COSC awarded me 12 SH in Spanish, based upon my transcript for attending the DLI Basic Spanish course

    For more information about requesting a DLI transcript, clickhere.

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