Think Twice About Concord University

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by traderneil, Jan 2, 2004.

  1. traderneil

    traderneil New Member

    Isnt' it very odd that Kaplan whose specialty is test taking preperation is scoring so low in the Baby Bar Exam, This is a issue of deep concern especially since they charge so much for their on line training. While I believe that they have good intentions When you spend $7-8K per year and you dont pass one might feel that they wasted their time and money. Also the way their return policy reads you don't have a foot to stand on if you don't live in California. This would make me think twice about Concord.
  2. mdg1775

    mdg1775 New Member

    DETC Surge

    Hey Trader,

    I applied there back in 1999 and the cost was roughly $2,500.00 per year. Their price spike was caused by the DETC Accreditation that they feel will make them more desirable! They are banking on the fact that accreditation will draw more students even though the price is ridiculous given their marked under-achievements when it comes to testing.

    Heck, I'll bet that there are some ABA or state accredited schools that compare in price, and the utility outweigh's Concord by far so its not worth it to go there! Oakbrook seems to be the way to go for a DL JD, at least if you hope to pass!

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