Cefims (UOL)vs HW

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by eric, Dec 29, 2003.

  1. eric

    eric New Member

    Hi all,
    I want to know which is tougher between MSc program from CEFIMS with MBA program from Heriott Watt in term of examination and overall assessment?

    In addition which is more prestigious among the two?

    Thanks for your opinion
  2. Tom57

    Tom57 Member

    The UoL programs are not MBA's, rather MSc's in finance, so the emphasis is a little different.

    I would guess that they are pretty comparable in terms of difficulty, with fairly similar exam structures.

    The UoL courses require written essay assignments and a 3-hour unseen examiniation for each course (you do get a choice of questions to answer on the exam). I believe (I may be wrong) that the HW program is exam only, with no choice of questions on the exam.

    As far as prestige, hard to say. In the states, I would say that, generally, University of London has more name recognition, but it's probably a toss up in most cases.

    Almost universally, the courses at both institutions are considered quite rigorous. If you decide to go either route, I suspect that prestige and all that will go out the window, and concentration on the work required will take center stage.
  3. angela

    angela New Member


    I did the MSc and then an MBA (not H-W). The core courses in the MSc were more rigorous and "academic". The MBA was more business focused. More difficult? Prob the MSc, but the MBA was a bit more of an endurance test, with the project....

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