Can CLEP Pass/Fail courses get graded later at Excelsior?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by guitarmark2000, Dec 15, 2003.

  1. Hi everyone,

    Another question for those of you at Excelsior....

    Some CLEPs are currently letter-graded while others are only granted Pass/Fail status. From Excelsior's 2+ year old cut score sheet it's because they don't have the data yet to grant grades.

    If you take an exam (such as CLEP Accounting) that gives you 6 credits and a Pass, is it possible that in the future Excelsior will essentially regrade it with a letter?

    I'm asking Excelsior this question to get an "official" answer but wondered if anyone had any insight. Thanks...

  2. For those of you who are curious, I received a response from Excelsior today not long after I asked the question.

    Pass/Fail will remain Pass/Fail grades, even if they change the policy to assign letter grades.

    However, at your request, you could change ALL P/F grades to letter grades (it's all or nothing).

    There are currently no plans to change the business courses such as CLEP Accounting to a letter grade.

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