Please check my logic!

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by walter, Nov 20, 2003.

  1. walter

    walter New Member

    After spending some time on this site, I feel I'm in a much better position to make a decision on a programme. I'm an EMEA-based consultant, with various B&M and DL quals and a Manchester (IFM) MBA. I'm looking for a doctoral programme that will improve me professionally, is not so unstructured that I won't finish it, but that still has credibility (market cred more important than pure academic cred).

    I think the best option for me is the EBS (H-W) DBA. Why? Cost, no residency, credible organisation, and the courses don't seem TOO much like MBA leftovers (although I resent the EBS MBA's having an inside track in termsof exemptions, and the thought of doing project management is depressing!).

    The alternatives like Henley, IFM etc have a residency requirement and are much more expensive. Australian options don't seem better in terms of content and I'm prepared to pay more for the UK connotation. Athabasca is starting a DBA next year (developed by Deakin), but the same holds for that prgramme. The US options aren't a differentiator from the perspective of my clients (or myself), either in terms of reputation or content.

    PhD DL alternatives feel like a black hole - a supervisor and an email! So not for me. That covers the DBL option (Unisa) option as well.

    My only alternative is to do a p-t B&M PhD which even if less directly relevent will be more credible than a DBA. However even being forced to go face to face with my supervisor on a regular basis won't sufficiently reduce the risks of my not completing it, given the pressures of a consultants lifestyle.

    Any obvious flaws in my logic? Responses of any sort will be appreciated!
  2. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    My experience, though not in the business field sounds somewhat like your analysis of your own situation. I am doing a research PhD out of South Africa. The academic work itself is not the hardest part, the biggest problem by far is carving out the chunks of undistracted time to actually get the work done. I think that if you know up front that this is a big issue for you (and it sounds like it is) then I'd suggest you enroll in whatever program is going to be the easiest for you to finish. I'd rather have a completed doctoral degree from a second choice school than be perpetually ABD at a first choice school. Good luck.
  3. Han

    Han New Member

    I had the same logic, but I think I will use it for teaching as well.... logic OK at this point.

    OK, here I have a couple of issues. Cost is awlays a factor, and can understand that, but no residency? Why? Cost may be the driver, but there are many programs that only require a visit once a year. I would not rule one out (unless it is because of cost) based on a short residency. On the MBA leftovers, I agree, but then it will not be as structured - or it will be structured based on you... which I see as a good thing.

    I had the same logic, but BEWARE of Henley, not their program, but their admissions process...... (see archives on this one, I won't rant here).

    For me either, and I came up with the PT Short residency DBA that hits all my criteria. I think as long as the school is reputable, there is structure (based on you or a standard), and it hits all of your criteria, that should be enough of a motivator to start and finish. I don't think any school's model guarantees finishing up, but some will be more successful, based on the right fit.

    Just my two cents, and I just went through it over the past 6 months. It is great you are thinking about all these things, good luck.
  4. angela

    angela New Member

    I see a problem

    There is some pseudo-logic here, but it sounds like you are really scared of the challenges of research, and are therefore opting for the DBA. However, the DBA dissertation is also going to require a substantial amount of self-structured work (i.e. no assignments and exams looming to force you to focus).

    It seems that you need to develop an idea of what you are prepared to commit yourself to in terms of thesis work, because that may may a big impact on your decision. Perhaps your fears are well-founded - did you have a bad experience completing your MBA?

    Anyways, thats all I can offer by way of "logc checking"! Good luck!
  5. walter

    walter New Member


    There is some truth in your comment about psuedo logic, Angela. I sailed through my MBA coursework, but work pressures resulted in me not getting into completing the project component for well over a year. At that point the final deadline loomed, and I buckled down a did it. I'm really nervous about that aspect of a doctorate, and I was seeing the DBA as the lesser of the 2 evils. However, as you say, I need to want to do the work (not just get the initials) and I need to be sure which type of doctorate I can complete.

    Can anyoneone give me some of their experience about interacting with their supervisors? Did it contribute to the feeling of progress and structure, or (as in my MBA case) was it just someone waiting to receive a doc, who would give some comments (mainly syntax-related).

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