Looking for PHd programs in the UK

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by ofer atad, Oct 28, 2003.

  1. ofer atad

    ofer atad New Member


    My name is Ofer and I am new to this site.

    I have a MSc in Business and now searching for a GOOD long distance program based at the UK.

    My prefered research fileds are sport management or other subjects relaited to sport or nutrition.

    I will be happy to learn from your experience in this matter.

    Many thanks in advance,

  2. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    There may be two programs that meet your stated criteria. The first is South Bank University and the second is University of Teeside. If you're at all willing to look outside of the UK then you might take a look at the University of Technology in Sydney. Please let us know how this works out.
  3. chris

    chris New Member

    Also, in South Africa and Australia

    Look at UNISA, Stellenbosch and the University of the Free State in South Africa. In Australia, look at the University of South Australia. Any of these will probably be cheaper than the UK and just as good quality wise. Look at Heriot-Watt in Scotland. Will be more expensive though. These are generic programs but you can pick your research for your focus.
  4. ofer atad

    ofer atad New Member

    thanks and new q...

    First thanks for your replies,

    Is there a ranking for DL Universities ?
    Are all the Uni that you have named have also taught programs ?

    Many Thanks,


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