Inexpensive Degree

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Barlowe, Oct 5, 2003.

  1. Barlowe

    Barlowe New Member

    Hello all. I am a first time poster here and have a question. I am a 40 year old male with around 30 college credit hours. I have 3 young children and a job that does not pay much but I can say that i'm pretty happy and blessed. My wife and her whole family (large family) hold bachelor degrees up to doctorates. My family the same and i've always felt somewhat inferior due to this. It used to be really bad but i've learned to deal with it. I would however like to have a degree in the field i was studying (psychology/ religion) even if it's not from an accrediated university. As stated, I have around 30 accrediated hours through Liberty University and worked in my field of choice (alcohol and drug addiction counselor for the state where I live)for almost 7 years until they found out I didn't have a degree. I cannot afford much due to my familys tight budget but as I said I would like to have a degree and amybe even a ring to wear. Please don't tell me to just print my own degree and get a ring from the jeweler.
    Can anyone recommend a place that has been around for a while which would be what I amy be looking for. I have talked with my old boss at alcohol and drug rehab and he told me that if I produce a degree with transcripts that he could even get me back into my old position. Thats what brought me here to ask my question.
    Thanks for any assistance with this!!
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    First, how did you get the job in the first place without a degree? Second, don't you need state certification or licensing for the position and, third, will your former boss accept a degree from an unaccredited school?
  3. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    You should try to "test out" at Excelsior College, Charter Oak State College or Thomas Edison State College.
  4. cmt

    cmt New Member

    Do some searches through the archives here looking for "psychology, exams, and college credit."

    Take a look at BAin4weeks for an idea.

    Since you have a background in psychology you might find that obtaining a degree is easier than you thought. For instance, you could earn an entire major (30 credits) in psychology by taking one GRE exam with a score in the 80 percentile. That's one year of college for $130. See here:

    Yes, this degree would be accredited.

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