Hi I'm new here, advice needed

Discussion in 'Education, Teaching and related degrees' started by Alexiza, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. Alexiza

    Alexiza New Member

    Hi, this is my first post here, I will try to explain this as much as I can because I'm not familiar with the thing I'm asking about, I was wondering if there is something that universities offer for master degree seekers, for example if someone have a research or a ready independent study that s/he made it on his/her own, could this ready research or study get accepted by the university and offer a master degree for the person ? I mean accepting that research as a master thesis ?
    I'm not sure if I put this in good words !

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Are you looking for a Master degree level based on research? If so, check out the British academic institution. For example, University of Leicister offers Master and Ph.D based on researches. URL: Masters by Research — University of Leicester
  3. macabeoflores

    macabeoflores New Member

    Hello Alexiza,

    Not sure I understood your question?!

    Are you asking if it is possible to obtain a Master Degree from some university only by giving in your thesis without undertaking classes? or taking classes and avoiding the thesis by showing the one you already did?

    Wish I could help you out but I need more explanations!

  4. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    I believe that the op is asking this question: Can I undertake a research project on my own, independant of any university and prior to matriculation at any university, and then submit this piece of research as a finished Masters thesis once I have enrolled at the school? If I am correct in my interpretation of the original question then I believe the answer is "no." Any university is going to insist that research that earns a degree from their school is done under their direction and supervision.

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