What to expect on a Computer Science Degree Course?

Discussion in 'IT and Computer-Related Degrees' started by Derrell Mcraee, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Derrell Mcraee

    Derrell Mcraee New Member

    I'm currently doing a computer degree course at my local college, the first year is the same for everyone, we do all the stuff related to computers covering a wide range of subjects. However at the end of the first year there are 3 different types of paths to take:
  2. BlueMason

    BlueMason Audaces fortuna juvat

    ...have you spoken to others who are there and in those paths (which didn't get posted)?

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    It depends on the institution's curriculum. For my Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at Troy University include.

    - COBOL programming language
    - C++
    - C#
    - Java
    - Computer Networking
    - Fundamental of Operating Systems
    - Advanced Programming language
    - Data Structures & Algorithms
    - Pre-Calculus (some school requires 3 courses of Calculus or even Linear Algebra)
    - Information System
    - Algorithm and Logics
  4. atrox79

    atrox79 Member

    I'm at Regis University and there is a set curriculum consisting of
    Math: Calc I, Calc II, Linear Algebra, Discrete Math.
    CS: Control Structures, Data Structures, Assembly Language, Computation Theory, Advanced Prog and Algorithms, Modern Software Engineering, OO Prog in C++ or Java, etc.

    There aren't too many options but there are 6 credits of upper division electives you need to take, plus more electives depending on the amount of transfer courses you have.

    If you wanted to go into a Masters program at Regis, they would replace 3 upper division courses with graduate courses & then you have a lot of options on what emphasis you want for your MS (Software Engineering, Systems Engineering, Database Technologies, etc).

    I hope that helps.

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